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Individual Therapy

Individual sessions with me consist of genuine and nonjudgmental presence, and space that is entirely yours. Within this space I attune to your needs, whether those needs involve processing emotions or past traumas, grieving losses, compassionately nurturing parts of yourself that require care, challenging or reframing limiting beliefs, celebrating wins and lessons in resilience, or learning new coping tools. My goal is to guide you to recover your innate wisdom and strength at a pace that feels safe for you, so that you can live a life that feels authentic and present.


*50 and 80 minute sessions available for talk and EMDR therapy.


Group Therapy

Throughout my career I have developed and co-developed several therapy and psycho-educational groups. If a group has a start time scheduled, the best way to be informed is through my instagram page ( If you or a loved one is interested in attending one of these groups, please contact me. If it is not scheduled yet, knowing people in the community are interested may prompt me to run one. Groups can be held online or in-person in Castlegar, BC. 


DBT Group

An 8-week long psychoeducational group that teaches Dialectical-Behaviour-Therapy (DBT) coping skills. Each session is 2 hours long. DBT involves a balance of accepting emotions as they are, and changing them where it is possible to. This group is available for adults and teens, and teaches the following skills in developmentally appropriate ways: 

  • Mindfulness - Learning to slow down and expand our capacity to sit with and accept the present moment exactly as it is. 

  • Emotion Regulation - Increasing our ability to read the signals our emotions are giving us, changing them when they are not effective or helpful, and learning to differentiate when to do which. 

  • Distress Tolerance - Expanding our capacity to tolerate uncomfortable feelings instead of using unhelpful coping strategies. These skills also address how to regulate when emotions are extreme and feel unmanageable. 

  • Interpersonal effectiveness - Learning effective communication skills for making our needs clear to others, setting boundaries, validating others' emotions, maintaining self-respect, etc. 


Caregiver Connections

A 6-week long processing and psycho-educational group for caregivers to connect with other caregivers, process difficult emotions and stresses tied to caregiving, and learn new strategies from each other and facilitators. This group was co-developed with Laura Lu. While the general outline and materials are prepared for this group, a survey is given beforehand so specific requests can be incorporated, and the group is designed to be adaptable and fluid. Topics may include: 

  • Exploration of personal values and parenting styles

  • Self-care and space for other aspects of identity experienced alongside caregiving

  • Processing space for our own emotions during interactions with children, and regulation skills

  • Co-regulating with our child

  • Skills for validating and containing our children's emotions

  • Skills for containing our child's behaviours and limit setting

Ready to connect? 


Lake and Glade Counselling

© 2021 by Emily Von Hausen, Lake and Glade Counselling.

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